3.1.8. TexDaemon

This module provides a TeX Daemon interface.

class PyDvi.TexDaemon.TexDaemon(working_directory, tex_format, start_code, done_code, done_string)[source]

Bases: PyDvi.Tools.DaemonSubprocess.DaemonSubprocess

This class implements a TeX Daemon Subprocess.

The TeX process run in the working directory working_directory.

The argument tex_format specify the format to be used by TeX.

The argument start_code defines the code to be executed first by TeX.

The argument done_code defines to code to be appended to the input code. This code must print on the standard output a done_string string in order to indicate the page was successfully and completely ship-out.

_process(input_string, done_string)[source]

Process the input string.

fifos = ('texput.tex', 'texput.log', 'texput.dvi')

Defines the FIFOs used by the TeX daemon to communicate.


Return the TeX calling sequence.


Process the input string and return a dictionary with ‘dvi’, ‘stdout’, ‘logfile’ and ‘stderr’ entries.


Start the TeX daemon.